After creating the “Photosynthetic City” in 2003, Thomas Kosbau continued developing designs for hydrogen producing algal architectural system which he named HYDRAL. In 2013 Thomas joined forces with entrepreneur John Walsh who was creating a model for producing energy using algae as biomass. Together they formed Grow Energy, with Thomas focusing on development of his HYDRAL panels.
Hydrogen has long been viewed as a fuel source that could be the answer to a carbon-emission free future. Unfortunately Hydrogen en masse was not, until now, a naturally created element on our planet. As this new technology’s dawn approaches, it is important to design ways to capitalize on its immediate benefits. We see this not simply as a revolution in ecological fuel sources, but as a revolution in the structure of our fuel supply system. When fuel is no longer an ecologically harmful process to create, it no longer needs to be produced in remote locations that cause further pollution and energy expenditure in transportation. On-site production eliminates loss of energy in transmission, thereby reducing waste. We see this not simply as a development in ecological fuel sources, but as a revolution in the structure of our fuel supply system and a potential shift in environmental design.
Grow Energy manufactures advanced light utilization and photobioreactor systems to produce dense algal biomass – energy and resource production are secondary to the algae growth process. Yet biomass has potential in many markets and is currently used today in various fields of research, industrial and agricultural processes, and it’s even used for medical applications. We make our growth technology components readily available to researchers and businesses to pursue their projects and ventures, while also dedicating a division of our company to investigating biomass industries of our own. Grow, working with our partners, is developing algal bioconcentration methods, animal feed production facilities, and “horizontal rainforests” and renewable space-habitats.
Residential and Commercial applications of light dilutions technology
Testing our bioreactor and light dilution prototypes
Developing and testing algal bioconcentration methods
Food for the Future
Grow Energy’s technology is one of the most efficient in producing algal biomass in quantity and concentration. Biomass has many applications including energy production, animal feed, and various industrial manufacturing elements. Algal biomass can even be important for human health, such as Chlorella microalgae which is sold in many popular health food stores.
The Many Uses of Biomass & Algal Oil
Algae cultures are living factories that output resources for many potential uses. Carbon dioxide, dirty water, natural nutrients and sunlight enable algae to grow and multiply. The resulting algal biomass is harvested and its oil content is separated, creating algal oil. Algal oil can be used to produce biodiesel to fuel vehicles, commercial and industrial equipment, and even sea ships. The remaining biomass can be used to produce gasoline for vehicles and aircraft, or recycled as animal feed.